Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It's the most wonderful time of the year... to buy our shit....
We make many things...
Some of these things are available online for free... Such as...
The Sophie EP
Many many albums by Hopeful Machines
Our last album Breedless can be streamed directly from our website
You can also listen to Donna reading ,"Oded the Merciless," On Pseudopods website:
You can also buy things, which supports not just us, but the businesses who risk their money on the things we make.
Shirts, and Signed CD's are available directly from us
Artwork is available directly from us on Etsy
Our writing is available from Raw Dog Screaming Press and Imaginary Books
Daughters of Lilith:
Isabel Burning
Isabel Burning: for Kindle
Red King Black Rook:
Ladies and other Vicious Creatures:
Luna Maris:
Our Recent Album Breedless:
Breedless digitalL:
If you are in Europe, you can pick up Breedless from Dependent Records:
Physical copies of our previous albums can be found here:
We also have a ton o' shit available on Itunes, including the first two compass EP's
From all of us here at Ego Likeness inc....
Merry whatever, and a happy arbitrarily chosen new year!
-Steven/Donna/Sophie/Jack Burton/Mike Johnson/Rick
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Thank you for helping Sophie!!
We wanted to give you guys something back for all of the support you have given our little Sophie kat.
Please visit
and download the tracks there.
01. Drive *This is a cover of Drive, by The Cars. We recorded it
about two weeks after we did Dragonfly in 2001. We have been
holding onto it for a special occasion. This seems appropriate.
Thanks to Dan Clark for mastering it!
02. Leave the Stars Alone: Live at Dragon*con 2006 (First time we ever played it live)
03. Aviary: Live at Dragon*con 2006
04. If the fates allow (We put this up every year around this season...)
If you are still interested in helping out, please visit our etsy store and buy some art
Or our online store
Feel free to pass this note and these songs around.
Thank you for all your support and help keeping our baby alive.
-Steven/Donna/Sophie/Jack Burton

Thursday, December 02, 2010
Donna's much more eloquent description of our Kat Sophie's situation.
Some of you may be familiar with the antics of our hairless cats, Jack Burton and Sophie.
Yesterday, Sophie suffered heart failure. It was sudden and terrifying. As horrible as it was to witness, I'm grateful I was there to see it, otherwise, we'd have lost her. She's four years old. I'm devastated.
She is currently in the care of some amazing people at the Animal Emergency Hospital in Bel Air. She spent the last 24 hours in an oxygen chamber and an incubator. Currently, THANKFULLY, she is out of the oxygen chamber and breathing on her own! She likely has heart disease, which will mean a long road ahead, but it's worth it. She may as well be my daughter. Some people won't understand this, and that's okay. But it's truly how I feel.
I hate asking for things. I really do. But if you were at all considering buying some art or anything from Steven for the holidays, I'm going to tell you now how much we'd appreciate it. The bills to save Sophie's life are already over $1000 and she's not yet out of the woods. You may or may not think we're nuts for going to these lengths, but I love this little creature with all my heart and I cannot -CANNOT, WILL NOT- let her die over money. Steven and I have and will continue to go into debt for this, regardless, and I won't regret a penny of it.
So, I thank you all for anything you can give- thoughts, prayers, money...whatever. We have a ton of art, books and music out you don't need to give something for nothing, but any help at all is appreciated more than you'd ever know.
You guys rock.
I love you.
Help a kitten out... Weak of Heart, strong of paw...
Dear Internets...
Our beloved kat The Lady Czarina, Sophia, Batman, Von Beulo Esq. Is sick.She is only 4, but is having some major health issues.
Yesterday she collapsed, and was taken to the emergency vet near our house. She is suffering from heart failure and possibly pneumonia.
24 hours into this, and she is doing better then she was, but is by no means out of the woods.
This tiny animal is the pin around which our personal lives revolve.She is our child and our friend. And like any parent, we are willing to go into massive debt to give our child the best treatment.
Which comes with a price...About $1000 a day so far...
Please consider going to our etsy store:
**I will be uploading more work later today**
Or our online store:
**I will be adding a few esoteric and rare ego items today and tomorrow**
And buying something.
I am also making myself available for commissions. So if you want some larger work, drop me a line.
Should you feel like donating (all donations will receive something cool in the mail). Our paypal is egolikeness at egolikeness dot co
Her life may last 24 more hours, or 10 more years, thank you for helping us get the best care possible for her.
Feel free to spread this around.
Thank you very much,-Steven, Donna, Sophie and Jack Burton
Dear Little Grey Cat
We miss you more then you know
Your breath smells most foul